U.S. Business Database
14 Million U.S. Business Base
Price $45 Per Thousand Includes
SIC, Company Name,
Full Address…and more
Minimum Order: $200.00
The Lead Dog Information Services US Business Email Database is meticulously compiled from a variety of reliable public information sources, including Federal, State, and County records, telephone and utility sources, daily business transactions, trade publications, industry directories, and more.
We meticulously verify our Business file using Directory Assistance Phone records and other proprietary methods to ensure a high-quality database with minimal duplication and maximum deliverability compared to other databases.
Data Axle has consistently received top scores in Firmographic Data and Complementary data types, such as Depth of Account Data, Account Hierarchies, Specialized Account Data, Technographic Data, and Other complementary data types.
Our comprehensive services include data acquisition and processing, data discovery capabilities, data integrations and delivery, vision, and partner ecosystem, all of which have received the highest possible scores.
We assist in validating your existing business data, eliminating duplicates, and updating outdated information to ensure your data is accurate and efficient. With over 400 data attributes, our B2B US Business Email Database offers a detailed view of nearly every business in the United States.
We provide geographic selections such as State, SCF-Sectional Center Facility, MSA-Metro Statistical Area, County, Zip Codes, Rooftop Radius, Area Codes, and Nationwide.
Furthermore, we offer various selects and business characteristics for an additional cost, including Contact Gender, Company Phone, Contact Name, Contact Title, Contact Cell Phone, Number of Employees, Sales Volume Code, Franchise, Public Company, and Professional SIC. Our database includes the industry’s most complete coverage of small- and medium-sized businesses, freelancers, contractors, businesses operated out of homes and coworking spaces, and other hard-to-spot business types.
Geographic Selections
- State
- SCF-Sectional Center Facility
- MSA-Metro Statistical Area
- County
- Zip Codes
- Rooftop Radius
- Area Codes
- Nationwide
- $ 5/M – Contact Gender
- $15/M – Company Phone
- $15/M – Contact Name
- $15/M – Contact title
- $45/M – Contact Cell Phone
Business Characteristics
- $15/M – Number of Employees
- $15/M – Sales Volume Code
- $15/M – Franchise
- $15/M – Public Company
- $15/M – Professional SIC
- $15/M – Professional