Direct Mail Continues to Offer a Strong ROI

In today’s digital age, many marketers have come to the conclusion that direct mail is no longer a useful technique. However, nothing could be further from the truth. According to a recent survey, 70 percent of Americans say they believe direct mail to be more personal than online advertising. That’s something savvy businesses recognize.

From 2015 to 2016, the amount of spent on direct mail marketing grew by more than a billion dollars, from $47.2 billion to $48.4 billion. This increase in spending can be contributed to strong response rates and a healthy return on investment.

Of course, the success of any direct mail campaign can be directly linked to the quality of that campaign. If you are considering direct mail for your business, here are some ways to make sure that your campaign is as successful as possible.

    1. Keep it simple. Americans are busy and don’t have time to pour over long blocks of copy. Make sure the copy on your direct mail piece is short and to the point. An attention-grabbing headline also is crucial.
    2. Make it pleasing to the eye. Visuals can make or break a direct mail piece. A crisp design or stunning photos will draw in recipients perhaps more than any other element.
    3. Integrate. While a direct mail campaign can stand on its own, integrating it with other types of marketing will help to drive home its message. Consider following up your direct mail piece with an email, for example. The more touches a marketing campaign has, the more likely recipients will be to remember the message.
    4. Personalize. Make sure you include the name of the recipient on your direct mail piece to give it a more personal touch. Personalized pieces are significantly more impactful than those that are not personalized.
    5. Test. No matter how effective your direct mail piece, it can always be better. The more elements you test, the greater results your campaign will achieve.
    6. Target. No matter how visually stunning, well-written and creative your direct mail piece is, if it isn’t going to the correct target audience, it won’t achieve the results it should. If you are marketing to real estate investors looking for vacant property lists, for example, you don’t want your direct mail piece to go to everyone in the real estate industry. Make sure you aren’t wasting your time and money on individuals or businesses that have no need for what you are selling.

Direct mail is alive and well in 2018. The key is to make sure you are doing all you can to make sure your campaign stands out from the competition and reaches your target audience.